Pricing Table Particle

Quickly drive clicks-and-mortar catalysts for change
  • Basic
  • Standard Compliant Channels
  • $50
  • Completely synergize resource taxing relationships via premier market
  • 1 GB of space
  • Support at $25/hour
  • Sign Up
  • Premium
  • Standard Compliant Channels
  • $100
  • Completely synergize resource taxing relationships via premier market
  • 10 GB of space
  • Support at $15/hour
  • Sign Up
  • Platinum
  • Standard Compliant Channels
  • $250
  • Completely synergize resource taxing relationships via premier market
  • 30 GB of space
  • Support at $5/hour
  • Sign Up


  • Our Employees are our most valued assets.

    Dahn Berger Philippines will be the keeper of its employees.  We will always treat them with respect, honor and pride.  We will seek to find, harness and hone their talents.  We will always be sensitive with their needs and interests.  We will provide them with just compensation, incentives and benefits to further improve their living conditions.  We will avoid discriminatory practices to guarantee fairness, equal treatment and equal opportunity.
  • Our Suppliers, Sub Contractors and Creditors will be our Business Partners.

    The relationship with our Suppliers, Sub Contractors and Creditors will be based on mutual benefit; therefore, the company shall maintain a good working relationship with all its business partners to promote transparency, competitiveness and quality in all of its business dealings.
  • Our Clients are our reason to exist.

    We will treat them with value, dignity and honor.  We will give them back the value of their money by delivering on time, quality construction products and engineering services.
  • Safety and Health is a Paramount Concern.

    We will exert every effort so that the Safety and Health of our Employees, Workers, Suppliers, Sub Contractors and Clients is ensured during their stay in our offices, warehouse and workplaces.
  • The Community is our Workplace.

    We will proactively contribute to the economic and social development of the communities that will foster us in every construction project that we will engage.
  • Mother Earth shall be our Responsibility.

    We will work in partnership with the government, non-government and other pertinent organizations towards a greener mother earth.  We will employ sound environmental practive in all our workplaces to encourage our workers and employees to do the same in their households.

Our Projects

Years of experience and dedication in providing excellent construction service to all our clients have made us leaders in this industry.

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Our Location

Find us fast through our interactive map which provides street location and driving directions to our head office.

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Got Questions?

Please reach us for any inquiries or concerns you may have regarding your requirement. We'll be glad to hear from you.

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